A Centenary of the Birth of Academician Dušan Kanazir

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician Dušan Kanazir, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is organizing a ceremonial session at the SASA Grand Hall, on 15 December, at noon. Academician Vladimir S. Kostić, SASA president will welcome the audience, while on the life and work of Academician Dušan Kanazir, a university professor and long-term SASA president, the following will give lectures: Academician Vladimir Stevanović, secretary of the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences of SASA, Professor Ljubiša Topisirović, principal research fellow, Dr Gordana Matić, full professor at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade, Dr Snežana Pajović, director of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science and Professor Đorđe Fira, full professor at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade.