Projects implemented with countries with which SASA has signed agreements on cooperation
Theory and Practice of Time-Frequency Analysis.
Radiation Characteristics of Low Temperature Plasma and Gas Discharges.
Ophiolits of the Mrakodol Olistolith in Northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Kinetic Reaction at the Gas/Solid Phase Transition Boundary.
Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential and Integral Equations and Mathematical Models of Arbitrary (Fractional or High Integer) Order;
Optical Detection of Supernova Remnants and HII Regions in Nearby Galaxies (M81 and M101 Groups);
Astroinformatics: Preparations for big data;
Investigation of ICRF Radio Sources and Fast-changing Astronomical Objects;
Investigation of Visual Double and Multiple Stars;
Development and Application of Astronomical Databases. Interconnection Between Bulgarian and Serbian Work on Astronomical Data Centers;
Secondary Metabolites from Wild-growing and Cultivated Plants with Potential Biological Activity;
Synthesis and Properties of Catalytic Materials in Environmental Protection.
Layered Materials as Precursors of Nanoparticle Catalytic Systems for Application in the Production of Pure Alternative Fuels and Health Food;
Heterogeneous Catalytic and Photo-catalytic Dissolution of Organic and Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Nature Using Multicomponent Systems in the Production of Pure Alternative Fuels and Health Food;
Detection of Genetic Identity and Biological Availability of Heavy Metals in the Populations of the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) in Bulgaria and Serbia;
Plasma Diagnosis by Langmuir Probe at Low Pressure and Temperature;
Investigation of Laser Modified Nanocrystal ZnO Thin Films for Sensor Application Using Raman and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy;
Aspects of Reliability and Resistance to Radiation of Layered Structures Based on HfO2 for Flash Memories;
Political and Cultural Interactions Between the Serbs and Bulgarians in the Balkan Context During the Middle Ages;
Bulgarian-Serbian and Serbian-Bulgarian Relations in the 14th Century in the Context of the Byzantine Civilization;
Voices and Images of Medieval Balkans (4th-16th c.);
Dynamics of Everyday Life and Mobility in Serbia and Bulgaria;
Serbian (Yugoslav)-Bulgarian Relations and Interests of the Great Powers (19th-20th c.).
Multicomponent Metal Systems and Nanostructural Materials with Different Functional Properties;
The CNG Channels in Leydig Cells – Identification, Characterization and Functional Coupling to Testosterone Production;
Serbian-Czech and Czech-Serbian Ties Through the Music Scene and its Performers;
Byzantine Studies;
Cultural and Literary Links Between East and West;
Social Transformations After 1989.
Comparative Studies of the Geological Evolution of the Dinaric Alps and the Pannonian Region;
Synthesis and Characterization of Selective Sorbents Based on Molecularly Printed Polymers;
Identification of Patterns, Classification and Modeling of Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Data for the Determination of the Biological Activity and Origin of Food;
Interaction of Unbalanced Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure with Model Surfaces;
Ethnological Investigation of the Serbs in Hungary and the Hungarians in Serbia;
Classification of the Ethnomusicological Legacy of Tihomir Vujičić (1929-1975).
Neurobiological Studies of Marine Organisms.
Application of a Coherently Prepared Medium in Quantum Optics and Materials Research;
Small-seeded Grains – Physiological, Biochemical and Anatomical Basis for Drought Resistance;
Low Energy Excitation in Magnetic Nanoparticles;
Archaeology of Frontiers: Material Culture on the Frontiers and in the Border Areas of Poland and Serbia in the Middle Ages;
Key Concepts of the Serbian and Polish Axiosphere on the Slavic Plane.
Algebraic and Combinatorial Structures and Their Applications;
Microlocal Analysis and its Applications;
Univalent Functions, Quasiconformal Harmonic Mappings and Teichmüller Spaces;
Geodynamics of the Eastern Edge of the Vardar zone;
Endemic Flora of the Balkan Peninsula in Serbia and Macedonia – Distribution, Diversity, Ecology and Phytogeographic Location;
Cross-sections for Collisions of Light Atomic and Molecular Particles in Fusion Diverted-edge Plasmas;
Multidisciplinary Approach to Advanced Techniques for Specialized M2M (man to man) Infrastructures;
Etiopathogenetic Research on Endemic Nephropathy;
Atherothrombosis of Coronary Arteries and Bifurcation Stenting;
Research on the Genetics of Inherited Forms of Colorectal Cancer;
Macedonian-Serbian Literary Links in the 19th and 20th Centuries;
Language as a Record of Culture in Ethnological and Linguistic Analysis Between Serbia and Macedonia.
Finsler’s Geometry and PDE;
Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Iron Gates Terrace System;
Comparative Research of the Lower Cretaceous Sediments in Resita-Moldova Nouă (Southern Carpathians, Romania) and the Kučaj Zone (Carpatho-Balkanides, Eastern Serbia);
Research on Fundamental Processes in a Plasma Laboratory;
Laser-induced Plasmas: Spectroscopic Diagnosis and Applications in Photonic and Bio- Nanotechnologies;
Reaction Mechanisms in the Geopolymeric Conversions of Inorganic Waste to Useful Matter;
Magnetic, Electrical and Optical Investigation of Materials with Perovskite and Fluorite Structures;
Physical-chemical Characterization of Heteropolar Compounds;
Comparative Study on Sturgeon Habitats and Conservation Measures in Serbia and Romania;
Contribution of Glycoconjugates to Cell Apoptosis, Survival and Regeneration of the Nervous System;
Anthropological-linguistic and Sociolinguistic Research on the Serbian and Romanian Banat;
Identity and Acculturation of the Serbs in Romania;
The Serbs in Romania and Romanian-Yugoslav Ties in the Second Half of the 20th Century;
Banat Encyclopedia;
Economic Ideas and Institutions in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th Centuries;
Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Carpathian Area and the Banat – Romania and Serbia.
Triassic and Jurassic Links Between the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) and Dinaric Alps (Serbia);
Cultural and Social Transformation Processes in Slovakia and Serbia а) Communication Processes – Ethnicity, Migrations, Social and Cultural Exchange;
The Slovak Community in Serbia: Current Social and Political Processes (2017-2019).
Synthesis of New Tetracosanes and Their Chimeras with 4-Aminoquinolines as Potential Antimalarials;
Collective Memory and National Identity;
Carotid Disease: Investigation of the True Role of Contemporary Medicaments in the Prevention and Treatment of Postoperative Complications of the Carotid Disease;
Central Nervous System (CNS) Plasticity in Pathological Conditions and Neurodegenerative Diseases;
Biostratigraphy and Sedimentary Environments of Marine Ecosystems at the Permian-Triassic Boundary and at the Lower Triassic in the Territories of Serbia and Slovenia.
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