SASA Branch in Novi Sad

Academy of Sciences and Arts, founded in 1979, merged with SASA after the Law on the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts was passed on July 29, 1992. All the members of the Vojvodina Academy (32) were admitted to SASA, retaining the same membership status and, as Branch members, continued working on their projects and programs. The Branch has an Executive Council and Assembly, which, in most cases, make autonomous decisions on work plans and programs.

The Branch is housed in the Platoneum building, the endowment of Bishop Platon Atanacković, which in itself is an important cultural heritage edifice. Previously, the building housed the First Serbian Reading Room, Matica srpska, and other Vojvodina educational and cultural institutions.

The Branch has launched numerous scientific projects, implemented with SASA or independently. The activities of the Branch also include scholarly and cultural panel talks and exhibitions in partnership with scientific and cultural institutions in Novi Sad and Vojvodina and with international institutions, particularly academies of sciences and arts from the region.

Secretary: Academician TEODOR ATANACKOVIĆ

Vice-President:Academician JASMINA GRKOVIĆ−MAJORSecretary:SASA Corresponding Member SLOBODAN B. MARKOVIĆ

President: Academician STEVAN PILIPOVIĆ
Vice-President: Academician JASMINA GRKOVIĆ−MAJOR
Secretary: Academician SLOBODAN B. MARKOVIĆ
Address: Nikole Pašića 6, 21101 Novi Sad
Telephone: +381 21 420-210; 420-209; 420-208
Fax: +381 21 6611-750