60 years of Structural Systems and Spatial Structures Courses at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade

8 July – 8 August 2024

Authors: Miodrag Nestorović, PhD, and Jelena Milošević, PhD
Organizer: the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade

The exhibition titled ’The Art of Design’ marking the 60th anniversary of the Structural Systems and Spatial Structures Courses at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade, authored by Miodrag Nestorović, PhD, and Jelena Milošević, PhD, opens on Monday, 8 July, at the SASA Gallery of Science and Technology, at 6 p.m. The exhibition is organized by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade.

The exhibition’s title reflects the approach used by Academician Đorđe Zloković in his research and professional work, which he successfully applied in the field of education in the 1960s.  Structural Systems and Spatial Structures courses were introduced into study programmes of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade in 1963. As an assistant professor, Đorđe Zloković set up the concept, content and methodological features of these courses, thus establishing a contemporary school of design and analysis of structural systems.

The exhibition at the SASA Gallery of Science and Technology consists of two parts – the most successful works by students of architecture and the creative work of Đorđe Zloković. The section dedicated to the creative work of Academician Đorđe Zloković (1927-2017) reviews his scientific, professional and pedagogical contributions. This part of the exhibition encompasses presentations of key projects and engineering achievements, scientific publications and awards. Particular attention is given to notable accomplishments of Zloković’s design opus such as prestressed hanging structures for the Sports Hall in Novi Beograd (1968), Čair Sports Hall in Niš (1974) and the main and pool hall of the Morača Sports Centre in Podgorica (1978, 1979). Additionally, the exhibition highlights the collaboration between Academician Đ. Zloković and academic sculptor Miodrag Živković on the realization of monuments such as the Monument to Executed Students and Professors – V-3 in Kragujevac (1963), the Monument to the Courageous at Ostra (1969), the Monument to Yugoslav Immigrants in Punta Arenas, Chile (1970), the Monument to the Battle of the Sutjeska in Tjentište (1971) and the Monument to Freedom in Ulcinj (1985).