SASA Branch in Niš

The SASA Branch in Niš was established on 16 September 2016 and constituted on 4 November 2016. This marked the discontinuation of activities of the SASA Centre for Scientific Research and the University of Niš, which had been established in 1990, and organic conditions were provided for it to rise to a new, higher organizational level and undertake new forms of work and standards stipulated by the Statute of SASA and the Rules of the SASA Branch in Niš. The establishment of the Branch facilitates the expansion and strengthening of the spirit and mission of the SASA in the region of South-Eastern Serbia and provides for a fundamental impetus to the promotion of vitally significant scientific research and artistic creations for the social, economic and cultural development of this part of our country, beyond which there is no stable and successful development of the Republic of Serbia. The Branch has its Executive Board and Assembly at which decisions are, for the most part, made autonomously on the plan and programme of the activities.

The Branch manages numerous scientific and research projects in the fields of natural sciences and mathematics, biomedical and technical sciences, social sciences and humanities, which are carried out within the SASA or independently. Its activities are also executed through the organization of scholarly meetings, public lectures, workshops and round tables, presentations, exhibitions, concerts, publishing activities, encyclopaedic work, promoting the work of young creators in the fields of science and art including the programmes of continuing education. These activities are realized in cooperation with scientific and educational institutions and cultural and artistic institutions of Niš and South-Eastern Serbia, as well as through international scientific and artistic cooperation, particularly in the cooperation triangle Niš-Sofia-Skopje.

The SASA Branch in Niš is responsible for the development and affirmation of all scientific and artistic fields; however, particular focus is put on the research of demographic trends in South-Eastern Serbia, being the scientific base of conceptualizing, development and application of political, economic, educational and cultural programmes of South Serbia’s revitalization. In addition to this, programmes of protection of the intangible cultural heritage of South-Eastern Serbia represent a significant area of the Branch’s activities.

The temporary seat of the SASA Branch in Niš is located at the building of the University of Niš, Univerzitetski trg 2.

The executives of the SASA and the SASA Branch in Niš are intensively working on providing SASA Branch in Niš’s separate space for work.

Honorary President:
Secretary: SASA Corresponding Member VLADIMIR RAKOČEVIĆ
Address: Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Niš
Telephone: 018 257 997