In keeping with the SASA Statute, departments of the Serbian Academy of Sciences are instituted for one or several related sciences and arts. Departments are the basic bearers of scientific and artistic work of SASA and its members. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts comprises the following departments:
Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences;
Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences;
Department of Technical Sciences;
Department of Medical Sciences;
Department of Language and Literature;
Department of Social Sciences;
Department of Historical Sciences;
Department of Arts.
The number and names of departments may change in keeping with the development of particular fields of sciences or arts and the results achieved in them. SASA departments organize work in the fields of sciences and arts in line with the SASA Work Program. Departments discuss fundamental issues from the fields of sciences and arts that they are engaged in and the overall work of SASA and adopt conclusions thereof. Boards, committees, groups and other working bodies may be constituted within departments.
SASA departments include all SASA members engaged in the sciences or arts for which their departments were instituted. A newly elected member becomes a member of the department which decided on his/her election. If engaged in a relevant science or art, a SASA member at his/her request may participate in the work of other departments, with their consent, but without voting rights.
SASA Assembly is responsible for the establishment of new departments and the unification or abolishment of the existing ones following a well prepared proposal of the Presidency, submitted by the latter at the request of one or more departments or at least five SASA members.
SASA departments perform their work at their meetings, which are normally convened once a month and attended by all department members.
Department secretaries are department heads. They are elected from among the full members of SASA by a secret vote of the members of the department concerned.