Anniversary of the SASA Board for the Study of Minorities and Human Rights

The solemn session marking the 30th anniversary of the SASA Board for the Study of Minorities and Human Rights will be held at the SASA Grand Hall on Thursday, Feb. 28, at 12 o’clock.

Academician Vladimir S. Kostić, SASA President, Academician Tibor Várady, Board Chair, Goran Bašić, PhD, Board Secretary, and Board members Prof. Marijana Pajvančić and Petar Lastić will be talking about the work of the Board, its achievements and impact.

Originally, the Board was founded with the aim of studying the life and position of the Serbian minority in neighboring countries. In the course of time, the study expanded to embrace the position of ethnic minorities and human rights in Serbia. Through its work and activities, the Board has strived to respond to changes in a time of vehement political and social events both in the region and in Serbia. Of particular significance was the initiation of a discussion within Serbian social sciences on the complex issues of multiculturalism and ethnicity.

The speakers at the solemn session will be discussing the conditions and circumstances in which the Board was established, developed and operated, the obstacles and challenges it faced, and the activities and results it has achieved so far.