Ceremonial lecture of Academician Vladimir S. Kostic, 2023 SASA Medal laureate

Academician Vladimir S. Kostić, SASA Medal Award laureate for 2023 in the field of natural and technical sciences, is to give a ceremonial lecture titled ’Dystonia Companion’ at the SASA Grand Hall, on Monday, 15 April, at noon.

’Dystonia is considered the most grotesque and the most mysterious type of movement disorder, this being said, it also provides a significant basis for the understanding of normal motor skills. It wandered between psychiatry and neurology for a very long time, keeping in mind that the awareness of it being a neurological disorder has been around for only 40-50 years. This, actually, correlates to the beginning of my work in neurology, hence the title, which illustrates how I see myself as a dystonia companion, since its inception to present days.’ – Academician Vladimir S. Kostić explained.