Exhibition of Sculptures by Svetomir Arsić Basara to Open

The exhibition of sculptures by Academician Svetomir Arsić Basara, which opens at the SASA Gallery on Friday, March 15, at 7 p.m., is staged to mark the ninetieth anniversary of the artist’s birth. As his previous retrospective exhibition at the Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts was organized in 1998, this time the works he produced between 1998 and 2018 will again be exhibited in the same venue.

Academician Ljubisav Rakić, President of the SASA Gallery Advisory Board will have the honor opening the exhibition. The curator of the exhibition is art historian Nikola Kusovac, whereas Igor Stepančić has been put in charge of the design of the exhibition.

From March 15 to May 19, visitors will be able to see more then fifty sculptures by Academician Basara. There will be curator guided tours of the exhibition every evening at 7 o’clock, except Mondays and Thursdays.