Предавање „Активирани сигнал иза слике”

Academy-educated painter Dr Zoran Tairović is set to give a lecture titled ‘Activated Signal Behind a Painting’ on Thursday, 28 November, at the SASA Hall 3, at 1 p.m.

As the presenter explained, it is a fact that the dark logic of refusal of the existence of otherness and differentness took part in the world concept imagination. It is much more serious than the Europocentric imitation and appropriateness of everything which has ever reached the European continent. This exotic novelty seen in the visibility of nomenclature attached to the Roma people has had the artists and historians of European art excited, since previous knowledge on how great ideas emerge during creativity eruptions, in the acculturalization process, has been pushed to the side in interculturalism as insignificant issues in sophisticated national establishments’ arms. Ideas explode when they use up creative fuel and if they are grand ideas, they leave behind black holes. They are a reason to consider the ‘behind the painting’ category.

This artistic ‘quake’ was born out of the so far greatest recorded crash of two types of concepts. Lateral signals activated in the crash, have travelled to the present moment for 600 years, but they are still in transition because the critical mass is created only in the European system of cultural values. Artists claim that in the collision of two types of thinking great confusion ensued. I am more humble and believe that one can feel vibrations in space and time triggered by cataclysmic events. A strong signal reverberates in the world which lasts as long as an inevitable reality. Until now, a Romani artist, ‘an unwanted guest in artistic practice’ accepted accusations of his redundancy in the clinic foyer of the European system of cultural values. Now, the same player is building a platform where play & game are a reflection of his continuous creative space. The Romani artist is loudly announcing ‘I AM VISIBLE BEHIND A PAINTING’ thus activating the signal which has survived for 600 years, from the Napoli painting school, the first renaissance school headed by Antonio Solari Lo Zingaro, to contemporary times. So, the collision happened a long time ago, but detectors registered it, Romani artists in modern times. Among other things, the exhibition ‘Golden Age, Tarot, Major Arcana’ is proof of all that.