Lecture of Academician Ivan Gutman on the energy of a graph

’Energy of a Graph – from Chemistry to Spacecrafts’ is the title of a lecture which Academician Ivan Gutman is set to deliver at the SASA Grand Hall, on Thursday, 12 March, at noon.

Motivated by the results of quantum chemistry, Professor Ivan Gutman proposed the concept of the energy of a graph in 1978. Although this idea has been dormant for some time, after a quarter of a century colleagues are starting to understand its meaning and mathematical value. Ever since then, it has begun to be researched throughout the world, and nowadays two papers on the graph energy are published each week. It has recently started to be applied in various fields such as rendering satellite photos, design of complex technical devices (including spacecraft), face recognition, medicine and analysis of terroristic networks.

Academician Ivan Gutman is a professor emeritus of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Kragujevac, a fellow of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry, Academy of Nonlinear Sciences, Moscow, European Academy seated in London. He has published over 1,400 scientific papers, and held lectures in more than 40 countries in the world. He has received numerous awards and recognition for his work.