Lecture of Professor Slobodan P. Simonović, SASA Foreign Member

Professor Slobodan P. Simonović, PhD, SASA foreign member, will deliver the lecture titled ‘Global Changes Modelling for the Future Development Directions Update’, at the SASA Great Hall, on Monday, 12 September, at noon. As the lecture abstract states, the development of dynamic strategies responding to the challenges of the Anthropocene is directly linked to the understanding of inter co-evolution of technological (water supply, energy, transport), natural (water basins, forests, coastal regions, wetlands), social (population, health, economy) and management (water management, agriculture, forestry) systems.

The grasp and prediction of dynamic interactions of these systems, along with the uncertainty that defines them, is the greatest scientific challenge of today, and it requires the integration of ideas, data and methodology of numerous scientific disciplines. ANEMI model is an example of the next generation of models that can serve the broadening of understanding of the complex systems functioning and finding new strategies as a response to the challenges of the Anthropocene.

Professor Simonivć is internationally recognized for his unique contribution to interdisciplinary research on the application of system analysis in water management. He has particularly contributed to the development of deterministic and stochastic methods for supporting decision-making processes and addressing complex water management problems requiring the interaction of social, technological and natural sciences. The results of his research have found application in water management, hydrology, hydropower and climate change adaptation.

Additionally, Professor Slobodan P. SImonović is actively involved in the education and guidance of young staff. He has published numerous papers. His opus includes over 650 technical publications and three university textbooks (two of them translated into Chinese and one into Farsi).

He was elected a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 2013, and in 2020, a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, which is considered the greatest individual recognition for the contribution to art, social and natural sciences awarded in Canada. He was elected a SASA foreign member in 2021.

Biography of Professor S. SImonović

A live broadcast is available at Директан пренос