Marko Anđelković
Biology ‒ genetics (population genetics, eco-genotoxicology)
Belgrade, 1945 - 2020.

Full member

Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences


Membership of SASA
Corresponding member from Oct. 30, 2003
Full member since Nov. 5, 2009

BSc  (1968), Department of Biology,  Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade
Specialization in population cytogenetics (1970),  Genetics Laboratory of the Medical University, Vienna (Austria);
Specialization in population genetics (1971), Department of Population Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Tübingen (West Germany);
MSc (1972), Department of Biology,  Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade
Specialization in population genetics  (1974), Department of Population Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Tübingen (West Germany);
PhD (1978), Department of Biology,  Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade
Postdoctoral studies in population genetics (1978/79), Population Genetics Laboratory, Department of Biology, Yale University (USA)

Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Professor, retired
Siniša Stanković Institute for Biological Research, University of Belgrade, Principal research Fellow, retired.

Positions in SASA
Chair of the Academy Board “Man and the Environment” (since 2003)
Chair of the Board for the Study of the Fauna of Serbia (2004‒2014)
Deputy Secretary of the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences (2006‒2014)
SASA General Secretary (since 2015)

Membership of SASA Boards
Board for the Study of the Fauna of Serbia (since 2014)
Board for Science (2017‒)

Accession speech
“Population-Genetic Aspects of Stress” (May 25, 2010)

Membership of specialist associations
Serbian Biological Society, Entomological Society of Serbia, European Environmental Mutagen Society, European Society for Evolutionary Biology.

Membership of editorial boards
Genetics – ecology – evolution (eds. B.P.M. Ćurčić and M. Anđelković), Faculty of Biology, Belgrade, 2002
Биодиверзитет почетком новог миленијума [Biodiversity at the beginning of the new millennium] (ed. M. Andjelković), SASA, Belgrade, 2005
Зборник радова о фауни Србије [Collection of papers on the fauna of Serbia], Vol. VII (eds. Z. Petrović and M. M. Anđelković), SASA, Belgrade, 2006
Мрави Србије и Црне Горе [Ants of Serbia and Montenegro], Ivan Petrov (ed. M. M. Anđelković), SASA, Belgrade, 2006
Река Студеница; еколошка и хидрофаунистичка студија [Studenica River; an ecological and hydrofaunal study], Draga janković (ed. M. Anđelković), SASA, Belgrade, 2009
Крпељи (Acari: Ixodidae, Argaside) [Ticks], Marija Milutinović, Željko Radulović, Snežana Tomanović, Zlatibor Petrović (ed. M. Anđelković), SASA, Belgrade, 2012
Енергетика и животна средина [Energetics and the environment] (ed. M. Anđelković), SASA, Belgrade, 2013
Генетички модификовани организми – чињенице и изазови [genetically modified organisms – facts and challenges] (ed. M. Anđelković), SASA, Belgrade, 2014
Учешће Српске академије наука и уметности у унутрашњем дијалогу о Косову и Метохији [Participation of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija] (ed. M. Anđelković), SASA, Belgrade, 2018

Awards and recognitions
October Prize of the City of Belgrade in Science, 1990
Premium Rank Award for research project results of the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, 2004
Certificate of Gratitude for contribution to the development of biology and fulfillment of goals of the Serbian Biological Society– Executive Board of the Serbian Biological Society on the occasion of the Society’s sixtieth anniversary
Gold Recognition of Achievement for extraordinary and valuable contribution to the development and advancement of biological and related sciences, Serbian Biological Society, 2013
On the occasion of the 26th (1973), 50th (1997) and 70th (2017) anniversaries of the Sini[ša Stanković Institute for Biological Research of the University of Belgrade ‒ certificates of gratitude in recognition of the many years of managing of and contributing to the advancement, development and promotion of the Institute.

Biography and bibliography
Yearbook/SASA for 2004, Vol. CXI, САНУ, Belgrade, 2005, 429‒441
SASA Journal CDVII, Department of Science,  Vol. 60, SASA, Belgrade, 2007, 21‒39
Yearbook/SASA for 2011, Vol. CXVIII, SASA, Belgrade, 2012, 315‒321
SASA Journal CDXXIII, Department of Science,  Vol. 61, SASA, Belgrade, 2014, 25‒44.