(b. Veliki Bečkerek (now Zrenjanin), 25 September 1925 – d. New York, 20 October 1989)

Painter, professor of painting technique at New York University (from 1965); taught drawing at Brooklyn College (1973–1976) and the New York Academy of Art (from 1980)

Membership of SASA: Department of Fine Arts and Music; foreign member from 15 December 1988

Biography, bibliography: Report for election to SASA: Assembly on 15 December 1988 (M. Popović, S. Ćelić, LJ. Sokić)

Awards and recognitions: National Endowment Arts Grant (1976); Grant Award, Ungram Merrill Found.

Obituary: Godišnjak/SANU: for 1989. 96 (1990) 571 (M. Popović)

Photograph: no photograph