(b. Zhytomyr, 8/20 July 1879 – d. Belgrade, 17 September 1970)

University professor (Kiev, Odessa, Belgrade)

Membership of Serbian Royal Academy (SRA): Academy of Natural Sciences; corresponding member from 18 February 1926; full member from 17 February 1936

Membership of SASA: Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; full member from 22 March 1948; Department of Technical Sciences; full member from 20 April 1949; secretary of the Academy of Natural Sciences (SRA) from 7 March 1939 until 7 March 1941; acting secretary of the Department of Technical Sciences SAS from 12 July 1954 until 29 June 1955

Accession speech: Natural Studies in Geometry and Mechanics. Printed in (SKA) Glas 175 (1937) 101–108. – (SKA) Godišnjak  46 (1936) 219 + 258 – 259 [excerpt]. – Bulletin de l’Académie des Sciences mathématiques et Naturelles, A. Sciences mathématiques et phisiques, 4 (1938) 169–175 [in French.]. Delivered on 7 March 1937 ((SKA) Godišnjak  46 (1936) 219 + 258–259)

Biographies, bibliographies: Hr E, 2 (St. Hondl). – An. D. Bilimovič: А. M. Ляпунов в Одессе. PIM 9 (1956) 1–7. – Ruska emigracija II, 234 (A. Arsenjev). – SAS Godišnjak: 65 (1959) 223–228; 71 (1968) 364; 72 (1970) 553. – PI SANU 446 (1971) 27–50 (M. Mužijević). – UŽ 2: 2 (1928) 51–52. – Материалы для библиографии 1 (1931) 35–36; 2 (1941) 54–56.

Obituary: Bilten UB 1: 8 (1970) 37–38 (T. P. Anđelić).

Photograph: SANU-F 191, 191/1–5