(b. Johannesburg, 5 January 1923 – d. Gainesville, Florida, 7 July 2013)

University professor: Imperial College of Science and Technology of the University of London (1945−1954); University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (1955−1972); Texas A&M University (from 1982)

Membership of SASA: Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; foreign member from 15 December 1988; Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences; foreign member from 28 May 1998

Accession speech: Department paper presentation: Cold Fusion – Yes or No? Delivered on 3 October 1989 at SASA.

Awards and recognitions: dr. h.c. Texas A&M University; Faraday Medal of the Chemical Society (1972); Chemical Lecture Award of the Swedish Academy (1979); American Chemical Society Award (1988)

Photograph: SANU-F 469