Literary historian and philologist;
(b. Saint Petersburg, 6 February 1903 – d. Göttingen, 17 July 1984)

University professor: Department for Slavonic Studies of the University of Göttingen (1936; 1945; 1949–1968); head

Membership of SASA: Department of Language and Literature; foreign member from 16 December 1971

Awards and recognitions:  Konstantin-Jireček-Medal (1972)

Obituary: Т. Bekić: MAKSIMILIJAN BRAUN: (1903–1984), Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku. 29 (1985) 210–211.; Maximilian Braun zum Gedachtnis / Reinhard Lauer // Die Welt der Slaven. 30, 1 (1985) 203-213.

Photograph: SANU-F 472