(b. Gorica, 6 May 1906 – d. Ljubljana, 9 September 1986)

University professor: full professor of Orthopaedics of the School of Medicine in Ljubljana (from 1945); Head of the Orthopaedic Surgery Clinic (from 1945); part-time director of the Institute of Rehabilitation of the Disabled of Slovenia (1954–1960)

Membership of SASA: Department of Medical Sciences; corresponding member from 21 December 1961; external member from 7 May 1976

Biographies, bibliographies: Letopis / SAZU. 3 for 1948–1949 (1950) 199–200; ibid. 31–36 (1981–1986); Biografije in bibliografije univerzitetnih učiteljev in sodelavcev. Ljubljana : Univerza, 1957. pp. 333–334.; ibid., 1969. pp. 425–428.; ibid. 1981. p. 738, Ljetopis / JAZU for 1963. 70 (1964) 189–194.; Godišnjak/SANU for 1962. 69 (1964) 451–456.; ibid. for 1963. 70 (1965) 407; ibid, for 1965. 72 (1970) 573–574.; ibid. for 1968. 75 (1971) 612–614.; Ljeotpis ANU BiH for 1971. 4 (1971) 120–122.; Bibliografije članov Slovenske akademije znanaosti in umetnosti. 6. razred: Medicinske vede. Ljubljana : SAZU, 1988. pp. 21–26.

Awards and recognitions: certificate of the Association of SFRY Medical Societies (1966); AVNOJ Award (1968); Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941; Medal of Bravery; Order of the Merit to the People of the first degree; Order of Labour with red ribbon

Obituary: Godišnjak/SANU 93 (1987) 519–520 (G. Nikoliš); Letopis / SAZU for 1986. 37 (1987) 101–105. (J. Milčinski); ljetopis / JAZU for 1986; 90 (1987) 621–623 (I. Ruszkowski); Ljetopis / ANUBiH for 1986; 19 (1987) 165–166 (D. Stanković)