Composer, pianist and conductor;
(b. Lowestoft, 22 November 1913 – d. Aldeburgh, 4 December 1976)

Founder and artistic director of the English Opera Group (1945); Aldeburgh Festival (from 1948)

Membership of SASA: Department of Fine Arts and Music; foreign member from 4 November 1965

Awards and recognitions: dr. h. c. of universities of Belfast (1954); Cambridge (1959); Nottingham (1961); the Aspen Award, Colorado, for the War Requiem (1964); Hanseatic Goethe Prize (1961); Royal Order of the Pole Star, Sweden (1962); Companion of Honour (1952); Order of Merit (1965)

Obituary: Godišnjak/SANU 83 (1977) 289–291 (D. Stefanović)

Photograph: SANU-F 475