(b. Bosanska Gradiška, 14 January 1897 – d. Belgrade, 11 June 1990)

University professor: Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, full professor from 1947; director of the SASA Institute for Balkan Studies 1969-1978

Membership of SASA: Department of Social Sciences; corresponding member from 17 December 1959; full member from 20 December 1961; Department of Historical Sciences: full member from 11 March 1971;  Department of Social Sciences, secretary from 25 February 1969 until 16 March 1971; Department of Historical Sciences, secretary from 16 March 1971 until 2 March 1977; SASA Presidency member from 15 December 1977 until 14 November 1985

Accession speech: he did not deliver it

Biography and bibliography: God. / SANU 84 (1978) 369-376, 97 (1991) 371-378.- Balcanica 30/31 (2000) 139-165 .-

Membership of SASA boards: Interacademy Board for the Colonization of Northern Parts of Yugoslavia (JAZU); Interacademy Board for Balkan Studies, president (JAZU); Interacademy Board for the History of Yugoslav Countries Colonization, Centre of SR Serbia; Board for SASA Records 1903-1914; Board for Belgrade History, president (edition published in 1974); Board for Research and Publication of Records on Balkan Merchants in the Hungary of the 18th Century, president and member; Board for Research and Publication of Records on Serbia and Liberation Movements in the Balkans 1856-1878, president; Board for Vinča Archaeological Research; Board on the History of the 16-18th Centuries; Board for the History of Serbian Revolution 1804-1830; Board for Collection and Publication of Records on External Politics of Serbia 1903-1914; Board for Jovan Cvijić’s Correspondence Publication; Interdepartmental Board for the 3rd Millennium; Interdepartmental Board for Oriental Studies; Interacademy Board for the History of Military Regions in Yugoslavia in Modern Times

Awards and recognitions: the 7th July Award of Serbia, 1969; October Prize of the City  of Belgrade, 1974; April Prize of Banja Luka for lifetime achievement, 1987 Order of the Yugoslav Star with sash on the occasion of his 90th birthday, 1987

Obituary: God. / SANU 97 (1991) 467-470 (V. Stojančević)