Full member
Department of Arts
Membership of SASA
Corresponding member from 12 December 1985;
Full member since 27 October 1994
Field of study
Composition and theory of music
BMus (1955), Music Academy in Belgrade (Faculty of Music), music composition and conducting
Composer, Faculty of Music, University of Belgrade, full professor (1979); retired (1995)
Positions in SASA
Deputy secretary (1986-1995) and secretary (1999-2011) of the Department of Visual Arts and Music
Accession speech
Department paper presentation: A New Simplicity in Music – Resume or not? Glas / SASA. Department of Visual Arts and Music 356:4 (1988) 63-68. Speech: Three Meditations, for violoncello and string orchestra Glas / SASA. Department of Visual Arts and Music. 382 : 6 (1996) 8-11. Held on 31 May 1995
Membership of SASA Boards
Academy Board for Education, Academy Board for International Cooperation
Membership of specialist associations
Composers’ Association of Serbia
Editorial work
Novi zvuk, member of editorial board
Awards and recognitions
Labour Day Order with a red flag 1987;
Vuk’s Prize, 2000;
Mokranjac’s Award 2005;
Special award ‘Golden Ring’ of the Cultural-Educational Society of Belgrade, 2014.
Biographies and bibliographies
Yearbook / SASA 92 (1986) 541-551; 102 (1996) 561-569.