(b. Prebilovci, 4 October 1928 – d. Belgrade, 29 August 2015) 

University professor: Faculty of Philosophy, Sarajevo, full professor (from 1968), Modern history, Introduction to historical sciences; Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade: full professor (1992–1994)

Membership of SASA: Department of Historical Sciences; external member from 16 November 1978; full member from 1 July 1992; SASA Presidency member, elected on 3 June 2004

Accession speech: He did not deliver it.

Biographies, bibliographies: Yearbook / SASA 103 (1997) 463-470; 112 (2006)

Membership of SASA boards: Board for the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina, president and founder from 1993; Board for the History of Serbian Revolution 1804-1830; Board for the History of 20th Century; Board for Collection of Records on Genocide against Serbian People and Other Nations of Yugoslavia in the 20th Century;  Board for the History of the 19th Century

Awards and recognitions: the 27th July Award of SR Bosnia and Herzegovina (1963); Prosveta Award (1972); NIN Award (1990); special Vuk’s Prize (1991); ZAVNOBiH Award; Order of Labour with golden wreath (1965); SKZ award (2001); Order of Saint Sava of the first degree

Photograph: SANU-F 847