(b. Belgrade, 11 September 1920 – d. Belgrade, 4 April 2002) 

University professor, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, full professor from 1963

Membership of SASA: Department of Social Sciences; corresponding member from 5 December 1963; Department of Historical Sciences: corresponding member from 11 March 1971; full member from 22 April 1976; Department of Historical Sciences, secretary from 26 May 1977 until 21 December 1977; general secretary of the Academy from 15 December 1977 until 19 November 1981

Accession speech: Department paper presentation: Archaeology and History. Posebna izdanja / SANU. Spomenica. 377 : 26 (1964) 45-51. Speech: Archaeological and Ethnical Issues of the Balkans during the Trojan War. Delivered on 29 March 1977 (It has never been published).

Biography and bibliography: God. / SANU 84 (1978) 387–406; 94 (1988) 403–407; 105 (1999) 585–589.

Membership of SASA boards: Board for Archaeology, founder and president (from 1978); Interacademy Board for Limes, president (from 1986); Interdepartmental Board for the Study of Kosovo, member (from 1983); Royal Academy Board for the Corpus of Vases, president (from 1978); Interacademy Board for Drafting Yugoslav Archaeological Map (in cooperation with MASA); Board for Vinča Archaeological Research, president (from 1990); Interacademy Board for Compilation of Dictionary of Classical Mythology Iconography, president (from 1992)

Awards and recognitions: dr. h. c. of the University of Bucharest (1996); the 13th  July Award (1968); The 7th July Award (1987); Special award on the occasion of 150th anniversary of the National Museum in Belgrade (1994)

Obituary: God. / SANU 109 (2003) 501–503 (N. Tasić). – N. Tasić: MILUTIN GARAŠANIN (11 September 1920 –4 April 2002): IN MEMORIAM, Starinar. 52 (2002) 9–10.

Photograph: SANU F–499