Fedor Herbut
Novi Vrbas, May 2, 1932

full member

Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences


Membership of SASA
Department of Science, corresponding member from Dec. 15, 1988; Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences, corresponding member from May 28, 1998; full member since Oct. 30, 2003

Field of study
quantum theory of information, grounding quantum mechanics, identical particles

PhD, University of Birmingham, 1964 – Doctor of Physical Sciences, validated by the Faculty of Science, Belgrade

Full Professor, Faculty of Physics, from 1996, retired

Accession speech

“Distance Correlations Between Two Quantum Particles”, 1989

Membership of specialist associations
International Association of Mathematical Physicists, full member

Membership of editorial boards
Свеске физичких наука СФИН

Biography and bibliography
SASA Yearbook 95 (1989) 457-465

Membership of SASA Boards
Board for Physics, Meteorology and Astronomy, President, 1999; Scientific project Statisticity and Causality in Quantum Mechanics, head

Awards and recognitions
IBK Award for best contribution (1968)