Ivan Jevtić
Belgrade, April 29, 1947

Full member

Department of Arts


Membership of SASA
Department of Arts: associate member from Oct. 30, 2003; corresponding members from June 2, 2005; full member since Nov. 1, 2012

Field of study

BA (1971) and MA (1973), Music Academy, Belgrade, with Prof. S. Rajačić; from 1973, further studies at the Paris Conservatory, with the renowned composer and professor, Olivier Messiaen; also in 1973, piano studies at the École Normale de Musique, with Dušan Tadić, from which he graduated in 1975; in autumn of 1975 enrolls in the Hochschule für Musik, Vienna, with the composer and professor, Alfred Uhl

Freelance musician

Positions in SASA
Secretary of Department of Arts (since 2023)

Awards and recognitions
1971 Students’ October Award
1972 First Prize for musical composition, Vercelli, Italy
1981 Theodor Körner Prize for creative work, Vienna
2000 Mokranjac Awars
2006 Award of Vuk’s Foundation
2011 Vuk’s Award
Throughout the years, as a full member of the Composers’ Association of Serbia, he has been awarded a large number of first and second prizes