Othmar KÜHN
Geologist, paleontologist and botanist;
(b. Vienna, 5 November 1892 – d. Vienna, 26 March 1969) 

University professor: University of Vienna (Palaeontology), full professor (1951–); director of the Geological-paleontological section of the Museum of Natural History in Vienna (1949–)

Membership of SASA: Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; corresponding member from 17 December 1959; foreign member pursuant to the Law on SASA (article 12) of 28 June 1960

Accession speech: delivered five lectures at SASA in the period 21–26 October 1956: Development of the Cretaceous in Europe; the Triassic in the Eastern and Southern Alps; Evolution of the Most Primitive Vertebrates; Mechanical Forces as Factors of Evolution; Pace and Rhythm of Phylogenetic Evolution

Awards and recognitions: great silver medal of honour for services to the Republic of Austria (1962); honorary golden medal of the City of Vienna (1969)

Obituary: Glasnik/SANU 21 (1970) 11–12 (commemoration)

Photograph: SANU F 566/1–2