Zoran Knežević
astronomy (celestial mechanics)
Osijek, 1949

full member

Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences


Membership of SASA
Corresponding member from Nov. 5, 2009; full member since Nov. 5, 2015

Undergraduate, magister and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade. Earned his PhD degree in 1989

Belgrade Astronomical Observatory 1973-2016
Director 2002-2014.

Positions in SASA
Deputy Department Secretary (2015-2020)
President of SASA Board for Science (2017−2022)
SASA General Secretary (2020–2023)
SASA President (since 2023)

Membership of SASA board
Board for Science; Board for the Dynamics of the Earth’s Climate System and the Work of Milutin Milanković; Department of Physics.

Accession speech
Quo vadis mechanica coelestis?” May 10, 2016

Membership of specialist associations
International Astronomical Union (president of Commission 7 for Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2009-2012), American Astronomical Society (Division for Planetary Sciences, Division for Dynamical Astronomy), Serbian Astronomical Society, Serbian Physical Society

Membership of editorial boards
Serbian Astronomical Journal (editor-in-chief 2002-2014), Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade (editor-in-chief 2002-2014); co-editor of proceedings of three international scientific conferences

Awards and recognitions
Award for his contribution to the development of the Astronomical Observatory, 1996 and 2017
Award of the Astronomical Observatory for a scientific paper, 2013; Asteroid (3900) Knežević

Biography and bibliography
SASA Yearbook CXVI for 2009 and 2010, 313-329
Supplement to SASA Yearbook CXXIII 2016, 277-282