Archaeologist and historian;
(b. Scânteia, Iași, 3 January 1912 – d. Bucharest, 16 August 1987) 

University professor in Bucharest (1947–); director of the Institute of Archaeology of the Romanian Academy (1956–1970)

Membership of SASA: Department of Historical Sciences; foreign member from 22 May 1975

Accession speech: Delivered a lecture at SASA on 2 April 1981: Indigenous People and the Greeks in the Area of Lower Danube’

Awards and recognitions: dr. h. c. of the University of Brussels (1956); state award; Herder’s Prize (1980); Saints Cyril and Methodius gold medal (Bulgaria); Order of the Commander ‘Merito della Republica Italiana’

Obituary: God. / SANU 94 (1988) 469–470 (M. Garašanin)

Photograph: SANU F-572/1–2.