Philologist and literary historian;
(b. Belgrade, 5 June 1920 – d. Belgrade, 27 May 2007) 

Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Innsbruck, professor emeritus

Membership of SASA: Department of Language and Literature; external member from 15 December 1988; corresponding member from 1 March 1991; full member from 27 October 1994

Accession speech: speech: Why Comparative Studies? On Some Dilemmas of Our Cultural Development Paths. Glas / SANU. Department of Language and Literature. 377: 16 (1995) 57–64.

Biography and bibliography: God. / SANU 98 (1992) 465–495; 106 (2000) 379–395.

Membership of SASA boards: Board for the Study of the History of Literature

Awards and recognitions: award of the German Academy of Language and Literature in Darmstadt; Golden Konstantin Jiricek Medal of the Southeast Europe Association in Munich (1992); Collegium Jeaensis (2001); Convent d’histoire des idèes et de la philosophie (2001); Matica Srpska Award for literary theory (2002); Order of the Merit to the People of the 2nd degree; Order of Military Service; Order of the Republic of Austria for science and art of the first degree

Photograph: SANU F-831