Archaeologist and historian;
(b. Paris, 22 April 1903 – d. Paris, 17 July 1989) 

University professor: the Sorbonne, Paris

Membership of SASA: Department of Social Sciences; foreign member from 17 December 1959

Accession speech: Lecture at SASA, in 1962: Byzantium and the Tradition of Ancient Greek Literature Predavanja / SANU. 2 (1962) p. 24

Awards and recognitions: Officier des Palmes academiques; Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur; Commandeur de l’Ordre du Phenix

Obituary: God. / SANU 96 (1990) 561–563 (B.Ferjančić)

Photograph: SANU F-597