Composer and conductor;
(b. Warsaw, 25 January 1913 – d. Warsaw, 7 February 1994) 

Membership of SASA: Department of Fine Arts and Music; foreign member from 15 December 1988

Awards and recognitions: dr. h. c. of the University of Warsaw, University of Kraków, Lancaster University; University of Glasgow; Durham University; Cleveland Institute of Music; State award of Poland (1964, 1978); International Music Council award (1963, 1985); Koussevitzky Prize (1964, 1986); Herder Prize (1967); Zoning Prize (1967); The Award of Maurice Ravel Foundation (1971); Wihuri Sibelius Prize (1973); UNESCO Prize (1985); London Royal Philharmonic Society’s gold medal (1986)

Obituary: God. / SANU za 1994. 101 (1995) 677–678 (D. Despić)