Ljubomir Maksimović
Skopje, Nov. 27, 1938

Full member

Department of Historical Sciences



Membership of SASA
Department of Historical Sciences: corresponding member from Oct. 30, 2003; full member since Nov. 5, 2009

Field of work
Byzantine Studies

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade: BA in History (1961); MA in Byzantine Studies (1965); PhD (1971)

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Assistant Professor (1971), Associate Professor (1978), Professor (1986)

Positions in SASA
SASA Vice-President (2015-2023)
Secretary of the Department of Historical Sciences (since 2024)

Membership of other academies
Academy of Athens (2001); European Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Paris (2005); European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg (2015)

Membership of specialist associations
Association Internationale des Etudes Byzantines, Vice President, 1996; International Committee for the Promotion of Cyril-Methodius Studies (Thessaloniki), 1996; Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, UK, 1998

Membership of editorial boards
Lexikon des Mittelalters, 1982-1998; Journal of the Institute for Byzantine Studies, since 1998; Special Publications of the Institute for Byzantine Studies, since 1998; publications of the SASA Department of Historical Sciences, 2011-2016

Biography and bibliography
Yearbook/SASA 110 (2004) 625-639; Yearbook/SASA 115 (2009) 525-529

Membership of SASA boards
Board for Hilandar, Board for Byzantine Studies, Academy Board for Science, Academy Board for Higher Education

Awards and recognitions
October Prize of the City of Belgrade, 1973; Order of Science with Blue Ribbon of the University of Sofia, 1989; Honoris causa doctorate, University of Athens, 1999; Vladimir Ćorović Life Achievement Award of the Prosvjeta Serbian Educational and Cultural Society and the Municipality of Gacko, 2011; Recognition of Achievement, University of East Sarajevo 2011