Novi Sad, 26 December, 1940

Corresponding member

Department of Arts


Membership of SASA
Corresponding member since 5 November 2009

BSc (1964) Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade

Freelance architect; Atelier PLAN (1964-2005)

Memebership of SASA boards
Academy Board for the Study of Life and Work of Serbian Scientists and the Writing of SASA’s History

Membership of specialist associations
Association of Novi Sad Architects, president 1993-1995; Association of Belgrade Architects, presidency member 1993-1995; Union of Architects of Serbia; member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers

Awards and recognitions
Borba’s Award for architecture in Vojvodina 1981, 1989;
Annual award of architecture of Novi Sad, 2001;
Recognition of achievements of the annual award panel of the Union of Architects of Serbia, 2001;
Najlepši krovovi 1903-2003, Potisje-Kanjiža, 2003;
Special acknowledgement of the Salon of Architecture of Novi Sad, 2004;
Tabaković Award for Architecture, 2005.