Miodrag Marković
Gacko, 1962

full member

Department of Historical Sciences


Membership of SASA
Corresponding member since Nov. 5, 2015
Full member since 4 November 2021

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade: Teaching Aide (1990-1999), Teaching Assistant (1999-2005), Assistant Professor (2005-2010), Associate Professor (2010-2015), Professor (since 2015)
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Eastern Sarajevo, Department of General Literature and Librarianship, Visiting Professor (2005-2001, 2014-2016).
Guest Professor at Okayama University, Japan (May 2004) and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (May 2009)
Director of  Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade (2010-2018)

Positions in SASA
SASA Vice-President (since 2023)

Membership of SASA boards
Board for Education, Board for Science, Board for the Audiovisual Archive, Board for Cooperation with Serbian Scientists and Artists Abroad, Board for Culture and Art, Board for the Study of Kosovo and Metohija, managing board of the SASA Fund for Research in Science and Art, Board for Byzantine Studies of Department of Historical Sciences; president of the Board for Art History of the Department of Historical Sciences; Expert Council of the Gallery of Visual Arts and Music, Expert Council of the Gallery of Science and Technology

Accession speech
“Art in the Serbian Lands of the 11th Century”, May 25, 2016

Membership of specialist associations
Board of the Department of Visual Arts of Matica Srpska and Board for Kosovo and Metohija of Matica Srpska; Scientific Council of the SASA Institute for Byzantine Studies; Scientific Council of the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade; Vice President of the Serbian Committee for Byzantine Studies; managing board of the National Museum, Belgrade; Associate of the Board of Directors of the International Center of Medieval Art of the Metropolitan Museum, New York (2014-2018); managing board of the East European Historical Society, Sochi; International Committee of the History of Byzantine Art under the auspices of the International Association of Byzantine Studies
Organizing Committee of the 23rd Congress of Byzantine Studies (Belgrade, 2016); Organizing Committee of the annual international scholarly gathering Niš and Byzantium; Vice President of the Scientific Board for History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; National Council for Culture of the Republic of Serbia

Membership of editorial boards
Editor-in-Chief of Zograf (2008-2016); editorial board for art and architecture of the Serbian Encyclopaedia, published by Matica Srpska and SASA; A Dictionary of Visual Arts and Architecture published by SASA and Zavod za udžbenike; ЗографCollection of Papers of the National Museum, BelgradeMatica Srpska Journal of Fine ArtsCollection of Papers of the Institute for Byzantine Studies; collection of papers Niš and Byzantium; electronic journal East European History, published in Sochi; Byzantina Lupiensia, founded by the Italian Center for Mediaeval Studies (CISAM), Spoleto, and the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Lecce; editor (with Dragan Vojvodić) of the catalogue of the exhibition Artistic Heritage of the Serbian People in Kosovo and MetohijaIdentity, Significance, Vulnerability, Belgrade, 2017; editor (with Dragan Vojvodić) of the collection of papers Artistic Heritage of the Serbian People in Kosovo and MetohijaIdentity, Significance, Vulnerability, Protection, Belgrade 2017

Awards and recognitions
Special award of the 63rd International Belgrade Fair for the book Artistic Heritage of the Serbian People in Kosovo and Metohija, eds. Dragan Vojvodić and Miodrag Marković, SASA, Belgrade (2018)

Biography and bibliography
Yearbook/SASA CXII, for 2015, Belgrade 2016, 579–586