Full member
Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences
Membership of SASA
Corresponding member from 5 November 2009
Full member since 5 November 2015
Field of study
Physical chemistry and electrochemistry of nonaqueous media, electrochemical kinetics, electrode materials for energy conversion
BSc (1969), MSc (1971) and PhD in Physical and Chemical Sciences (1975); Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Belgrade,
Postdoctoral training: Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, University of Karlsruhe, Germany; Institute for Problems in Materials Science (IPMS) of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine; Laboratory for Solid Ion Conductors, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Faculty of Physical Chemistry University of Belgrade, full professor (from 1995); dean (2004 – 2009); head of the Department for Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics of the Faculty of Physical Chemistry (2001 – 2004); retired
Membership of SASA boards
Board for Physical Chemistry, president (from 2015)
Accession speech
Secondary Electrochemical Energy Sources with Intercalated Electrode Materials (delivered on 11 May 2016)
Membership of specialist associations
Serbian Chemical Society; Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia; Materials Research Society of Serbia; International Society of Electrochemistry; The Electrochemical Society (Pennington, USA)
Membership of editorial boards
Glasnik hemičara i tehnologa Republike Srpske, member of editorial board; Flogiston, member of editorial board; Ecologica – journal of the Society for Envirnmental Protection of Serbia „Ecologica“, member of editor-in-chief team; former and current member of the editorial boards of journals: Electrochemistry Communications, ElectrochimicaActa, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Power Sources, ChemElectroChem, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Energy and Fuels, Carbon, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Applied Surface Science, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Ionics, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Synthetic Metals, Chemical Papers, ACS Catalysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, RSC Advances, ACS Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Chemical Engineering Communications, Materials Research Bulletin, Analyst, Nano, Bioresources, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, i ThermochimicaActa
Awards and recognitions
‘Vojislav K. Stojanović’ award of the Association of University Professors and Scientists of Serbia;
Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade Award for innovative work;
Certificate of gratitude of publishing companies Elsevier, Springer, American Chemical Society Publications and Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, for peer review