Ćuprija, 17 November 1930

Full member

Department of Language and Literature


Membership of SASA
Corresponding member from 7 May 1981;
Full member since 15 December 1988

Field of study
Literature (prose, opinion journalism, film screenplay)

BA (1957) Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Department of Yugoslav Literature and Serbo-Croat Language

Writer, Serbo-Croat language lector at the University of Poitiers in France (1974)

Accession speech
Customer of Death. Glas / SASA. 361 (1990).

Membership of specialist associations
Association of Serbian Writers; Serbian-Jewish Friendship Society in Belgrade

Membership of editorial boards
A Contemporary (new TV series); Miroslav Popović’s works; The Gutenberg Galaxy

Membership of the SASA Boards
Academy Board for the Study of Repression (Goli Otok and other camps and prisons)

Awards and recognitions
October Prize of the City of Belgrade, 1967;
Andrić’s Award, 1976;
Golden Arena for a screenplay in Pula, 1978;
Bora Stanković Award, 1994;
NIN Award, 1984;
Award of the National Library of Serbia, 1985;
Vuk’s Endowment Prize, 1994;
Kočić’s Award, 2011;
‘Ramondia Serbica’ Award 2016;

Biographies and bibliographies
Yearbook / SASA 88 (1982) 309-316; 99 (1993) 483-491; 106 (2000) 347-362.