Civil engineer;
(b. Požarevac, 23 April 1905 – d. Belgrade, 16 November 1980) 

University professor: Faculty of Civil Engineering in  Belgrade, full professor from 1951

Membership of SASA: Department of Technical Sciences: corresponding member from 27 May 1952; full member from 20 December 1961

Accession speech: He never delivered his accession speech

Biography and bibliography: God. / SANU 64 (1958) 290-293; 75 (1971) 604-605; 83 (1977) 184-185.

Awards and recognitions: dr. h. c. of the University of Belgrade, 1976. FNRY Government Award for scientific work; numerous recognitions and plaques; Order of Labour of the first degree, 1956.

Obituary: God. / SANU 87 (1981) 465-466 (N. Hajdin).