(b. Nice, 29 April 1876 – d. Paris, 22 January 1975) 

University professor: Paris-Sorbonne University, 1922-1946

Membership of SASA: Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: foreign member from 4 November 1965

Biography and bibliography: God. / SANU 82 (1976) 200-202 (M. Tomić)

Awards and recognitions: dr. h. c. of the universities of Cluj, Luven, Brussels, Liege, Warsaw, Sofia, Lima; Prix Gustave Roux, 1913; Prix Francoeur, 1918; Prix des Sciences mathematiques, 1924; Prix Poncelet, etc. Commandeur du Merite culturel de Roumanie; Commandeur de l’ Ordre des Palmes Academie