Pietro MOTTA
Biologist and physician;
(b. Sassari, 18 September 1942 – d. Rome, 20 June 2002) 

University professor: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (Human anatomy), full professor from 1972

Membership of SASA: Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences; foreign member from 26 October 2000

Accession speech: lecture at the SASA on 23 November 2001: Three-dimensional Ultrastructure of the Reproductive Organs

Awards and recognitions: dr. h. c. of the National University in Truillo, Peru 1989; School of Medicine Orades, Romania; Zeiss International Award for Morphological Sciences Microscopy, 1988; Award for scientific contribution and cooperation with Nicolaus Copernicus Medical School in Krakow, Poland, etc.