![]() | ČASLAV OCIĆ |
Full member
Department of Social Sciences
Membership of SASA
Corresponding member from 30 October 2003;
Full member since 5 November 2015
Field of study
BA, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
MA, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA
PhD, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
Full professor at Belgrade Business School, Belgrade (2004-2010); Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, (1995; 2003); full professor at Megatrend University of Applied Sciences in Belgrade (2001-2003); associate professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Priština, (1995-1999); principal research fellow at the Institute for International Politics and Economy (1999-2001); principal research fellow at the Institute for Social Politics, Belgrade (1994); researcher; director of scientific research; acting director of the Institute of Economic Sciences (1969-1991); held lectures abroad in Japan, Russia, Germany; visiting professor at Hokkaido University (1983-1984)
Membership of SASA Boards
Academy Board for Rural Issues; Academy Board for Dynamics of the Climate System and the Work of Milutin Milanković, Academy Board ‘Man and the Environment’; Academy Board for the Study of Life and Work of Serbian Scientists and the Writing of SASA’s History; Academy Board for the Study of Kosovo and Metohija, Academy Board for Science, Academy Board for Cooperation with Serbian Scientists and Artists Living Abroad
Membership of specialist associations
Regional Science Association International (RSAI); Scientific Society of Economists; Scientific Society ‘Kosta Cukić’, founder and president of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies; founder and president of Belgrade Ex-libris Circle; World Economics Association (WEA); International Federation of Societies of Ex-Libris Collectors (FISAE); Central and Eastern European Network (CEEN); Society for improvement of scientific periodicals ‘Linkeus’; Institute for Strategical techno-economic reasoning, initiator of foundation;
Membership of editorial boards
Editor of the following collections of papers in SASA: Srbi na Kosovu i u Metohiji [the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija] (2006); Stvaralaštvo Milutina Milankovića [the Work of Milutin Milanković] (2009, two editions); Srpska demografska bibliografija 1945–2012 [Serbian Demographic Bibliography 1945–2012] (2013); Moguće strategije razvoja Srbije [Possible Strategies of Serbia’s Development] (2014); editor of Srpska enciklopedija [Serbian Encyclopedia] for the field of economics;
He was a member of editorial boards of journals: Ekonomska analiza (1974-1980); Gledišta (1978-1981), Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke[Matica Srpska Journal of Social Sciences ](2000-), editor-in-chief of Ekonomika, (1994-1998); Mesečna agroekonomska analiza; Ekslibris letopis – Exlibris Chronicles, deputy editor-in-chief (1996-2008);
Awards and recognitions
Williams College grant for postgraduate studies at the Center for Development Economics, 1969;
Fulbright travel grant, 1971-1972;
The annual award for social sciences of the third channel of Radio Belgrade, 1982;
The annual award of the Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgrade, in 1984 and 1989;
Biography and bibliography
Yearbook./SASA 110 (2004) 547-568.