Miodrag Ostojić |
Full member
Department of Medical Sciences
Membership of SASA
Corresponding member from 27 October 1994;
Full member since 30 October 2003
Field of study
MD (1971), MSc (1975) PhD (1982), School of Medicine, University of Belgrade;
Speciality training in internal medicine (1977);
Clinical training: Fellow in Cardiology under Professor M. E. DeBakey in Houston (1978/79)
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, full professor (1996); Professor Emeritus (2011-); visiting assistant professor at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston (1985 – 1986); visiting professor at Academician N. Kipshidze Central University Clinic in Tbilisi (Georgia), as well as of schools of medicine in Podgorica and Banja Luka; Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Serbia (1986-); assistant director of the Clinical Centre of Serbia for internal medicine (2004 – 2009)
Accession speech
Contemporary Diagnosis of Coronary Disease; delivered on 25 January 1995
Membership of specialist associations
Serbian Medical Society – section of cardiology; Academy of Medical Sciences of SMS; Cardiology Society of Serbia (president, 2006 – 2010); Union of Greek and Serbian Physicians; European Society of Cardiology (ESC); International Society and Federation of Cardiology – Scientific Section on Epidemiology and Prevention; Texas Heart Cardiovascular Institute Society; Fellow American College of Cardiology; ESC – EPACI Member of International and National Societies Committee; member of the working group 13 of ESC/ EACTS for recommendations for revascularization of myocardium and president for Serbia of the European initiative Stent of Life.
Membership of editorial boards
He was/has been editor i.e. member of editorial boards of journals: European Echocardiography Journal; Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research; Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (Italy); Advances in Interventional Cardiology (Poland); Ultrasound in Medicine; Biomed Electronic Journal (editor for stress testing); Kardiologija [Cardiology] (Serbia); Halo 94 (Serbia); Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Serbian edition; Heart and Blood Vessels (journal of the Cardiology Society of Serbia); Vojnosanitetski pregled; Scripta Medica (Republic of Srpska); Biomedicinska istraživanja (Republic of Srpska).
Awards and recognitions
Award of the Serbian Medical Society for scientific research work, 1992;
Charter of Patriarch Pavle, 1998 and 2002;
Karić Fund Award for scientific and research work, 1997;
Prize for best scientific research project by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia, 2004;
Hippocrates recognition of achievement of the Cardiology Association of the Republic of Srpska, 2005;
Annual Award of the Ministry for Health for the introduction of primary percutaneous coronary interventions to Serbia, 2006 and 2009;
Certificate of the Polish Society of Internal Medicine, 2009;
Gold Medal of the Cardiology Society of Serbia, 2013.
Biography and bibliography
Yearbook / SАSA 101 (1995) 463-508; 108 (2002) 403-442.