Yuri Anatolievich OVCHINNIKOV
(b. Moscow, 02 August 1934 – d. Moscow, 17 February 1988) 

University professor: Lomonosov State University in Moscow, full professor from 1972; director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Science in Moscow from 1972

Membership of SASA: Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; foreign member from 12 December 1985

Awards and recognitions: dr. h. c. of the universities of the Sorbonne, Uppsala, Lima, Gdańsk, Sofia. Lenin Prize, 1978; state award of USSR, 1982; Order of Lenin, 1984 etc.

Obituary: God. / SANU 95 ( 1989) 695-696 (M.LJ. Mihailović).