Belgrade, 1962

Foreign member

Department of Technical Sciences


Membership of SASA
Foreign member since 2 November 2006

Field of study
Microwave power amplifiers, intelligent RF circuits, adaptive antenna arrays, quasi-optical methods for broadband microwave and millimeter-wave circuits, and wireless powering of sensors, including medical ones

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, BSc (1985); MSc (1986); PhD (1990), Caltech, Pasadena (Caltech)

University of Colorado, Boulder (USA), assistant professor (1990‒1994); associate professor (1994‒1998); full professor (1998‒); Hudson Moore Jr. Chaired Professor, inducted honorary full professor (2005)

Awards and recognitions
The best student of the Department of Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (1985);
October Prize of the City of Belgrade (1985);
Microwave Prize, IEEE MTT Society, for the paper of the year (1993, 2005);
URSI Young Scientist Award (1993);
National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellow Award (1993);
URSI Issac Koga, gold medal (1996);
ASEE HP/Terman Medal (2001);
Humboldt Research Award for Senior US Scientists (2000/2001);
Coleman Research Fellow, Coleman Institute (2008);
Chair of Excellence, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain (2018‒2019)
Carnegie Mellon Judith Resnik Distinguished Lecture (2017)
University of Colorado Distinguished Research Lecturer (2015)
University of Utah Distinguished Judd Lecturer (2015)
IEEE Rudy Henning Distinguished Mentoring award (2015)
IEEE MTT Distinguished Educator Award (2013)
Holland Teaching Award, University of Colorado (2011 and 2013)
Distinguished Professor, University of Colorado (2010)