Bogdan Šolaja
Belgrade, July 8, 1951

Full member

Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences


Membership of SASA
Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, corresponding member since Nov. 2, 2006; full member since Nov. 1, 2012

Field of study
Organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry and natural products chemistry
Organic chemistry: synthesis, mechanism testing and new reactions; synthetic applications of organic aluminum compounds
Medicinal chemistry: tetraoxacyclohexanes – synthesis, antimalarial and antitumor effects and properties; chloro-aminoquinolines – antimalarial effect and design of botulinum neurotoxin; steroid quinones and their derivatives – antitumor effects; design, synthesis, activity and testing of effects mechanism of the new class of Ebola virus inhibitors; Leishmania – activity and testing of effects mechanism of a new class of inhibitors; application of natural products and their derivatives as pharmacophore carriers

BSc (1975), MSc (1978) and PhD (1984), Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade; postdoctoral studies at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zurich, 1985-1987.

Full Professor, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade, Vice Dean, 1992, 1996-1998; Academic Council Chair, 2003-2005; retired, 2016; member of the National Council for Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, since 2016; Director of the Innovation Center of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, 2009-2017

Positions in SASA
Chair of the Commission for Foundations; member of the Academy Board for Science; member of the SASA Board for Finances; Chair of the Board for Chemistry of the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences; Secretary of the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences since April 19, 2024

Accession speech
“On New Compounds Active Against Malaria and Cancer”, May 25, 2007
“From Organic Chemistry to a Medicament”, May 21, 2013

Membership of specialist associations
Swiss Chemical Society, since 1986; American Chemical Society, since 1987; Serbian Chemical Society, since 1975, Secretary (1997-2001), Vice President (2001-2005), President (2005-2009)

Membership of editorial boards
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society

Awards and recognitions
Meritorious Member of the Serbian Chemical Society (1993), Honorary Member (2009), Medal for Lasting and Extraordinary Contribution to Science, Serbian Chemical Society (2015)