Felix Unger
Klagenfurt, 2 March 1946

Foreign member

Department of Medical Sciences


Membership of SASA
Foreign member since 26 October 2000


Field of study
Cardio surgery

School of Medicine, University of Vienna, MD (1971); post-doctoral studies at the University Clinic for Cardiology in Vienna (1971‒1972) and the Second University Surgical Clinic (1972‒1977); researcher in Houston, Cleveland and Salt Lake City, USA (1975)

School of Medicine, University of Vienna and Innsbruck, full professor (1983); University Clinic for Cardiac Surgery in Salzburg, director (1985‒2011); European Heart Health Institute, director (1990‒2013); European Institute of Health (2001‒2017)

Membership of other academies
European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, founder and president (1990‒); Academy of Sciences and Arts of the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, corresponding member; Latvian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member; Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, corresponding member; Slovak Academy of Sciences, member; World Academy of Sciences and Arts, member; New York Academy of Sciences, member; Hungarian Academy of Science, honorary member; Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, foreign member; Georgian National Academy of Sciences, foreign member

Awards and recognitions
Honorary doctorates: University of Budapest (1994); Timisoara (1994);  Tokyo (1994); Marburg (2002); Riga (2003); Belgrade(2007); Athens (2009); Saint Petersburg (2012); Arad and Cluj-Napoca (2013); Tirana (2014); Samara (2016); Maribor(2017);
Karl Renner Prize (1975);
Sandoz prize (1980);
Purkyne Medal, Brno (1991);
Karylins Medal (1992);
Pauls Stradinš Prize, Riga (2009);
Medal bestowed by the president of the Slovak Republic (2011);
Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria (2012)