Vasily Grigorievich VASILIEVSKY
Historian, Byzantine studies scholar;
(b. Il'inskoye, 21 1/2 February 1838 – d. Florence, 13/25 May 1899) 

PhD in history and lecturer at the Historical-Philological Faculty in Saint Petersburg

Membership of Serbian Learned Society (SLS): corresponding member from 22 November 1881

Membership of Serbian Royal Academy (SRA): Academy of Social Sciences; corresponding member from 23 January 1888

Biography and bibliography: Венгеровъ 4, 129–134. – Материалы для Бюграфическаго Словаря 1, 135–159. – БСЭ 4 (1971) 962–963 (3. В. Удальцова). – СДР, 95–97 (Г. Г. Литаврин). – ВВр. 6 (1899) 652–658 (Н. Безобразовъ).

Obituary: ASPh 21 (1899) 319 (V. Jagić). – SKA God. 13 (1900) 243–246 (P. P. Đorđević). – BZ 9 (1900) 330–334 (E. Kurtz).

Photograph: SANU–F 305