Jurist, composer and conductor;
(b. Belgrade, 25 May 1901 – d. Belgrade, 29 June 1964) 

composer and conductor; teacher and head teacher of ‘Stanković’ Music School (1931–1947); professor at the Music Academy in Belgrade (from 1945); rector (1952–1960); conductor of choirs: ‘Stanković’, ‘Obilić’, Academic Choral Society of Yugoslavia

Membership of SASA: Department of Fine Arts and Music; corresponding member from 30 January 1958

Biography and bibliography: God. / SANU 71 (1968) 287–289

Awards and recognitions: award of the Composers’ Association of Serbia (1959)

Obituary: Glasnik / SANU 16 (1968) 15–17 (S. Rajičić)

Photograph: SANU F 535g; 535/1–8