Mirjana Živojinović
Byzantine studies
Sarajevo, 1938

Full member

Department of Historical Sciences


Membership of SASA
Corresponding member from Nov. 2, 2006
Full member since Nov. 12, 2012

PhD; specializes in the history of Mount Athos, most notably the Hilandar Monastery


Positions in SASA
President of the Board for Hilandar

Membership of SASA boards
Board for Hilandar

Accession speech
“The Role of the Sea in the Life of the Athonites”

Membership of specialist associations
Society of the Friends of Mount Athos; Parnassos Literary Society, Athens

Membership of editorial boards
Hilandarski zbornik SANU

Awards and recognitions
Schlumberger Award of the Institut de France. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (with Vassiliki Kravari and Christophe Giros), 2010, for the first volume of the Greek language documents of the Hilandar Monastery (Archives de l’Athos: Actes de Chilandar I, vol. XX, Paris 1998), Order of Saint Sava (2024)

Biography and bibliography
Yearbook/SASA CXIII, 2007, for 2006
Yearbook/SASA CXIX, 2014, for 2013