Scientific Conference ‘Vladan Đorđević’

A two-day conference entitled ‘Vladan Đorđević’, which represents a continuation of activities organized throughout 2020 to mark the 176th anniversary of the birth of Academician Vladan Đorđević, is to open on Thursday, 2 December, at the SASA Grand Hall, at 10 a.m. Initially planned for December 2020, the conference was postponed due to an unfavourable epidemiological situation.

Academician Vladan Đorđević was the first Serbian surgeon in the sense of current interpretation. He left an indelible mark in the fields of surgery and overall Serbian medicine, military and civil health service, medical journalism, publishing and translation in medicine. He was a founder of three major societies which exist and work successfully to this day, a president of the Belgrade Municipalities Board, an outstanding minister of education and ecclesiastical affairs, a long-term diplomat in Greece and Turkey, prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, a prominent national worker who also tried his hand in literature, as a writer of short stories, historical novels, travelogues; he was a translator, founder and owner of the journal Otadžbina, one of the most distinguished journals in the second half of the 19th century, a part of an exceptional generation of Serbian intellectuals that made a huge contribution to the renewal of the Serbian state and its institutions.

The conference has an interdisciplinary character and about 40 authors will present works on the contributions of Vladan Djordjevic in the above-mentioned fields.