Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM)

The 21st Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM) was held in the period 26 – 30 June 2023, at the SASA. This was a traditional scientific conference, organized by SASA, the Faculty of Physics of the University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences and the Institute of Physics Belgrade, which brought together leading domestic researchers in this field of physics, the most renowned representatives of our scientific diaspora and distinguished scholars from abroad. Along with the traditional participation of physicists from Europe and North America, a number of researchers from major research centres from the Republic of China attended the symposium.

The fundamental goal of the conference was to provide domestic researchers with the opportunity to directly address the most current issues in condensed matter physics and to present their scientific results, as well as to further international cooperation of research groups from the Republic of Serbia, particularly strengthening the ties with our scientific diaspora.